Friday, 21 November 2008
The above was how I started my notebook entry this morning, a difficult week having flown by - more difficult that normal even by my standards! so I decided to take five minutes and actually write something for me, from me and to me, before I was swallowed up by the events of the day.
I sat back and reflected on the above, admiring my neat copperplate writing, the picture it made on the page of my notebook, contrasting against the cream of the paper - shapes and shades of ink from the previous page tantalisingly showing through - and then realised just how pompous and downright factually wrong the statement is. The sentence comprises assertions emanating from the controlling element of my personality and doesn't actually take into account the things I have no power over - such as weather, external incidents, health and temper of those around me, economics of the working world - the list is endless.
So my task for the day - which I extend to you - is take the above assertion as your starter and "pad" out some free writing with it. By pad out, I mean write a paragraph and then leave a large space, move on and write your next paragraph, leave a large space etc... so you are creating thinking room in your writing.
Then after having written about your world (or ranted as my kids would have said) - go back into the writing, with a differing coloured pen perhaps, and then fill in the gaps writing/contrasting about all the things which were imposed on you (or your character) externally - over which they had no choice...
So for me, this week would have been about clearing my backlog of work, getting some knitting projects done, clearing up my office at home, sorting out some complex responses to an ongoing legal case, writing my blog, finishing off and printing out some coursework, sorting out my CPD points. A very busy week by anybody's standards, but those were the things I chose to do (well sort of... !!!)
In amongst it though, I was diagnosed with some serious health problems which came as a shock, someone I am very closed to became very distressed about his world - which impacted into destroying all the work I had done on clearing up my home recently - I found I was massively overweight and had to (whether I liked it or not) start attending a gym and diet classes, which I simply don't have time for and my work is out of my control....
and I forgot about all the outstanding stuff I still have to do....
Do you see where I am going with this? I am sure most of you can relate to the above in some form or another, or find an equally chaotic narrative to write about... then fictionalise it - expand it into a character - have your character solve the problem, win the day, or just sit down and cry, admitting defeat and self-loathing - your story... your puppets to move about your stage...
But everyone who reads your story will find some point in it where it is relevant to themselves - so my tale, as outlined above - for all its conception from inside and personalisation to me, will have believability....
Best wishes
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Starting Somewhere
Monday Night's Great Western Writer's meeting is going to be on the theme of Starting Somewhere. I am not trying to plot spoil here, just giving an opportunity for anyone who reads this before Monday to give some thought to Starting Somewhere.
I have spent a lot of time over the last week writing up all kinds of technical and professional development papers. These have been very rewarding, surprisingly enough. I can see evidence before my very eyes in how I have grown in knowledge and understanding - not only of myself but my fields of expertise over the past three years.
So I would commend to you to spend a few moments on a regular basis making a note to yourself of things you have learned, encountered, or situations approached which have stretched your abilities.
You have to start somewhere - so start from today - What have you learned or written about this week?
Please feel free to comment and share with us your writer's journey.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Writing Tip for Today
Writer's Block?
Have a look at the first line of the three novels closest to you.....
Consider - What do they have in common - or not?
Now write your first line - in the style of all or none.....
Consider - why had the author chosen the original opening line? if you know the novel well - what were they trying to achieve - do you think? Your opinion here, no right or wrong answer...
Now refer back to your first line - would this work for your line?
Still stuck? well you shouldn't be - you have just written something !! so make it bigger...expand.....
write a series of lines if that helps....until something strikes you as gold....
If all else fails, pick up your novels again and read... writing can wait until another day. One thing I have learned is that you can't force inspiration.
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Sunday, 26 October 2008
Why I.....
For my "other job" I tutor aspiring writers to achieve their goals and dreams. This started off by accident a few years ago - as almost everything does in my world.
Strange that, I never seem to end up at the destination I set off for, even in a car. Something more interesting always seems to grab my attention and I am off...much to the irritation of people around me, and concern I suspect of people who rely on my constancy such as employers etc.
Recently a few people have asked how I ended up doing this, so I will give you a brief resume...
I started off writing short stories for magazines when I was quite young, after winning a series of competitions for young authors in the local newspaper.
The back story was that I didn't spend much time at school because of an ill mother and I had to find someway to fill the isolation - so chatting to myself on paper and writing letters became a very positive way to fill the days and deal with my grief.
The short-story work led to authoring books for years - usually in someone else's name and writing "voice" and this become quite a vital part of our income and existence when I had two small children - with or without a father depending on how my first husband felt at the time.
I have never been a person who is comfortable with centre stage, I love being the person in the background doing the "tweaking" and producing the effects, far more satisfying and long lasting. Undertaking this work allowed me to practice my art without necessarily being associated with it - useful when you don't quite know how you want to really express yourself, but don't want to be pigeon-holed.
After my marriage broke up I met up with someone who had been first of all a mentor and then a lover, who was an actor by trade. Whilst spending time waiting for him on sets, I was approached to do some filling-in writing - the words were bought by the 100s (so that is why if you ever get a letter from me you will need a ream to print it off.)
This bled into TV work in my own right, and then whilst spinning on a set one day (you have to do something to fill in the hours of waiting for the magic to be constructed! otherwise you would go mad) I was asked by a producer if I was interested in helping on a craft series they were producing. Craft was very "in"
I did and ended up working on some very interesting projects, which led me into many other areas of art, and when my children started struggling in school with basic literacy - I became involved in identifying and creating a phonics project - which I took off elsewhere and sold as a concept.
Having now lost my way totally - I was even being hired to be the "argument" in talk shows at this point - I needed to regroup and think about what I actually wanted to do - which was 9-5 and working in Law for a few years (no seriously - I REALLY did want to, that might have changed now though....!)
I couldn't give up the writing, even though I didn't have time for the craft any more and managed to carry on finding various niches for my work to find a home in - magazines again, articles, essays and complaining letters over the last year or so !!
Then about three years ago, I heard about a project for well-formed writers and went along hoping to be supported and be inspired into other genres. Well I wasn't supported, but I was inspired and not quite in the way the organisation intended I suspect.
I couldn't quite believe the cynicism I was confronted with, and blatant harvesting of ideas - some now turning up on TV without the creator's name being attached, so my suspicions were not unfounded...unfortunately.
So with a nasty taste in my mouth I sat down, analysed and identified what I would want to inspire and help me create, testing this on others, and this, along with feedback has since has grown into a series of workshops and tutorials - so much so that I really have to fight to find time to write for myself nowadays - the point of the whole exercise.
So that is why I write and why my craft is so important to why I write.
They both are equally important to my identity.
Writing Prompts and Thoughts
First of all, Ian Fleming and his notebooks - leifmotif moment here again...warning...warning...
I accidentally switched on a replay of a documentary which ran on the BBC this week and there were NOTEBOOKS - loads of them, scratchy little red ones with only lines and snatches of conversation... my hero after all.... Quantum of Solace was one of those little scribbles and - hey presto - there is a film !!. I am sure more came in between but it doesn't give rise to the money shot of Joanna Lumley diving scantily clad into an azure rockpool - the whole image is a little lost on me, I am more fascinated by how she keeps her eye makeup on.
I look like a panda after having a few sly tears, how on earth does she do that....?
Anyway, I degress....
the second is a book I am reading - well have now finished.
"Divas Don't Knit" by Gil McNeil.
Now this book I quite happily accept isn't going to make a nobel prize winner or any other one - except perhaps in the woman's ASDA section. BUT it is a thoroughly enjoyable, predictable romp through the world of a person I can associate with. She is a young woman, who used to be valued in the workplace, had children and knits... a very dumbed down version of the plot, but the best I can do - whilst being shouted at on a Sunday Morning to come down stairs and do something else...
This got me thinking - what was it about the book that I enjoyed so much?
I could associate with this person's world and empathise with her journey. The narrative was easy and contemporary and it had associations with things I know about - encounters with Alpha Mums, being "volunteered" for things and knitting being only the three I can confess too !!
So all in all, this was a book that I would be quite happy to have written - so that is obviously the genre I am secretly aspiring to in my reinvented version of an author....
Thought moment - what books are on your bookshelf? WHY are you drawn to them? could this be your target audience really - rather than re-writing Tolstoy? There is little snob value in achievement...
or if you can't face binning your synopsis - which is in fact the same size as a paperback novel - outlining your plans for a saga covering 20 books - perhaps you could just take a break for a month (oh during NaNoWrimo - how convenient ) and try writing something totally different - based on your bedtime bookshelf - just to humour me if you can't find any other justification?
Just a thought....
Thirdly - well I have taken to knitting in a big way - procrastination, colour, creativity all in one package and as far away from computers as possible..... so whilst knitting I was watching Desperate Housewives - Series 1 - Episode 5 through to 11 to be precise.
In my defence, before you all email with concerns for my sanity - I was having a really bad day yesterday and decided I just wanted to sit and achieve something - anything - and this was the only way I could do it and be left alone.. apparently I have the "face" when I am knitting - and it is the kind which deters all others from finding me another "job"....
Back to Desperate Knitters - oohps - Housewives...
Yes it is fairly, well words fail me ---- still fail me. I don't get the plot and don't recognise half the characters and as for the fingernails... but they do have some really good lines which weave through the dodgy camera shots and the woman with the jammy looking mouth...
So my prompt today... anashamedly paraphrased and re-written for you here...
"As a mother she spent her mornings preparing her husband and her family for their day, during the evening, she was supportive, loyal and an einstein with the homework - but to know the person you had to know what she did with her afternoons......."
So what did she do with the afternoons...?
Or what did he find her doing with her afternoons?
Twist and turn this little gem.... I have written three seperate plot lines - over three paragraphs on three pages - all completely different starting with the above - now you have a try....
Just a quick update on the travelling notebooks - I WILL get this started this week.... inspiration sort of got in the way......
hugs everyone - please post comments and thoughts... and any tips that you have found recently to get your pen moving....
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Thursday, 23 October 2008
Writing Prompt
This got me thinking, an epidemic is usually a label attached to something unpleasant or dangerous, such as flu or msra, etc.
What if it was attached to something nice such as - love or payrises...
So I starting writing about that - and whot I wrote really made me laugh, so I suppose it served its purpose and spread a little happiness and exercised my chuckle muscles...
So I pass the idea on to you and would love to hear your thoughts...
Brainstorm the idea and go forth in a flight of fancy
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Monday, 20 October 2008
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Writing Prompt
First of all, apologies for the AOL bit at the bottom of these emails. I have found a way of sending emails to the blogs/groups to save time in multiple posting, unfortunately you get the adverts as well - which ironically was the reason I left AOL in the first place - hey ho...
Thank you for your telling me how irritating they are, I too find them quite so - but it is either that and prompts, or a nothing but a creative series of broken promises from me... sorry.
Today's Prompt
"I tell it to the Sea" - is a phrase I half-heard last night -
This made me think - what would I tell to the sea? secrets, dreams, pain, sorry or happiness - but the latter, surely I would declare to the world?
So my question today - what would you tell to the Sea? or what other place would you share secrets/dreams/aspirations or simply share with?
Would they keep your secret, or would it be theirs for onward transmission?
You choose - your piece of writing... go forth and produce...
and then tell us - if you want to share - either by posting to this thread of linking to the comments.
Best wishes and have a good writing day.
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Friday, 17 October 2008
Hints and Tips - Notebooks
Notebooks shouldn't be finished products in their own right - you shouldn't approach them with your neatest handwriting and with awe. They should be the "workhorse" of your writing - your personal point of reference for inspiration, creativity and generally getting you in the "mood" to produce work. My friend calls is the "twilight zone..." can't think why !!
Notebooks should be the starting points for developing ideas - the keyword here being "developing". Write a thought down once, then write it down again in a different way, then perhaps a third way. Revisit ideas from differing perspectives, on different days,in different moods.
Occassionally review and audit the motifs which emerge repeatedly, looking for a way to transfer them to a piece of writing which will frame them and convey the thought to maximum effect.
A notebook should be part of a "process" - so today, start a fresh page and write about something which has been bothering you and you would like to resolve....
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Thursday, 16 October 2008
Writing Prompt
the above is taken from my horoscope for today - the one on google. I find horoscopes a brilliant source for inspiration. They are worded so they are relevant to 1/12th of the population so are targeted at being general and specific as a person can want to read into them.
So - free write for 10 minutes on the above and see where you end up....
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Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Writing Prompt
For a secret to be a secret - it can only be told to one person at a time...
but to save time and energy of repeating myself, I always tell my friend Moira first..
Last Friday, was no exception.... I just wish the floor had opened me up when.....
Now carry the story on...
See you tomorrow...
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Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Writing Hint and Tip
It is important to start the HABIT of writing, and you have to start somewhere and sometime, so start TODAY - now after you have read this prompt - no time like the present eh?
Define yourself in say - five sentences. Just freewrite for a few moments, in words, notes, just let your mind and pen wander. Then pick out the pertinent bits of how you would define yourself.
For example, I don't define myself through other's eyes and standards, I define myself by what I have inside and what I want to do and be in the world.
So I would go off on a five sentence rant about how I want to change the world one day at a time and where I would position myself to be most effective at achieving that change - today that would focus on something specific tomorrow it would be something else...
Some words will jump out of this free writing as most important, so work on them for a few more minutes.
There you go... writing done... and if you find this too personal, write it through the eyes of a fictional character... !! sometimes you never know which is which - am I fiction or am I real ? who cares...?
Best wishes
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Sunday, 12 October 2008
Touching Base
Things have been very quiet over the summer on the writing front and I am sorry that I haven't been able to really be around as much as I would like to.
As many of you know I have been juggling a lot of commitments over the past three years and all the plates I have been spinning came tumbling down, simply because I became too tired to keep an eye on them. Everything just collided at once - fortunately I didn't break many plates as they hit the floor but there were a few casualties and a few of my writing commitments, along with other things which gave me a lot of pleasure have been neglected.
That said I have decided to resume teaching this autumn, but only for a few groups, until I have clarified which way my life is going to go in the forseeable future. We are very probably going to have to relocate to Devon, but it is difficult to judge at present.
I hope you will understand that I only have so many days in any given week, and some of those have to be spent on me and my family - and actually writing !! You are though all very welcome to become members of Writing in the Margins, or visit the Great Western Writers at the Library - details to be found at
Over the forthcoming months I will also be looking for a regular comfy "drop-in" spot somewhere central in Bristol, where any local writers/students can meet informally - say once a month - and I will be on hand for support as you strive towards your writing goals. I tried this last year, but it all became too difficult, so I will make renewed efforts and hope that some of you will feel that you can make it.
Anyone who is interested in starting a Novel - November is the time to join NaNoWriMo - where you basically get into the habit of writing every day. I can commend this to you as a brilliant way of getting into zone of writing regularly.
Best wishes and please feel free to contact me by email with any of your writing queries, comments or concerns and if I can assist, I will be pleased to do so.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Today's Prompt
have a good one....
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Today's Prompt
I am not sure what mine are, so I am going to consciously watch myself over the next few days...
ps did you spot the deliberate mistake yesterday? - if so, care to share with us all why you think I did it?
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Touching Base and Today's Prompt
I know this is no excuse for taking time out to write and keep in touch with friends, but on a practical note, I don't often get home until very late at night now and can't face the computer - the only strength I have is to pick up a bottle of wine....sorry.
Today's prompt is...
In the space between knowledge and the unknown, there is a place called supervision. - write about it....
Best wishes
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Friday, 25 April 2008
Time was I was young,
Time was I could do anything.
Time is I am older,
And I know I couldn't do everything.
But I know more what I can do
Know more what it is I want
Know more what will make me happy…
Time isn't money
But it can be sooooo rich!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
How to fill a free day
Yippee a free Saturday - a day when the sun is shining, wind is blowing, I don't HAVE to be anywhere and don't have any URGENT work on my desk and if I did - well tough.
So what am I going to do with this minor miracle - I must not waste it.... (fatally flawed first thought there - please spot) - shall I go to the Avon Spinners, Weavers and Dyers Guild meet? Nope - I would love to, but don't really want to talk to people today - just want to get my mind and thoughts all working in the same direction.
So I have sat at my computer thinking about the Great Western Writers meeting on Monday (still don't know whether this month's meeting will go ahead, something about a fire and the Library closing - on my To Do list....) and my friends at Cedar Writers (who I haven't seen for weeks due to work, Easter, and my illness) - and whilst thinking and prevaricating became inspired by the concept of an artist's/writer's journal sketchbook (which I already "sort" of do) whilst browsing through a book - and realised that I am "bombarded by people, chatter and rapidly changing surroundings......" not my words, those of Jenny Newman and Edmund Cusick -
The Writer's Workbook (Hodder Arnold Publication) by Read more about this title... |
In the last few weeks I have done nothing but work, worry, meet deadlines, travel hundreds of miles, knit socks and frantically look for inspiration and the girl I used to be. I have been divining information from the ripples that other's stones have created in the pools of my life.
I am emotionally battered and exhausted from other's deadline's and needs - most of which are actually nothing to do with me or what I am trying to achieve. Sales people ringing constantly - rush, rush, rush - decision, decision, decision......
In a pompous voice - I imagine myself welling my chest up and bellowing.... "actually I don't have to either make rushed decisions or even speak to you - you are my customer not I your victim... " - oh I wish I had the guts to say that to them. But I don't - except I do tell them I am too busy and decline to continue the conversation - more often now than is perhaps polite.
So enough of the moan.... I am about making habits, not good ones, prevaricating - organising knitting patterns, rather than writing (always a bad sign).
So I am now off to finish "twiddling" and get on with some constructive stuff... I am going to write over the next few weeks a selection of short stories on and "around" the subject of knitting/spinning/weaving... I have been reading a book called "Died in the Wool" - light fluffy reading at bedtime which has inspired me (as well as sending me to sleep !!)
Died in the Wool: A Knitting Mystery (Knitting Mysteries) by Mary Kruger Read more about this title... |
My close friend (well probably the only one I have left who is still speaking to me - so I think that qualifies her as close as well as long-suffering and understanding, actually to be precise I can't remember the last time we spoke - more fragmental email communications - "Hi Prairie dog here, sticking her nose out from out of her hole (self-dug) - how are you?" ) has published her latest book on Lulu this week - Mind and Motivation - well worth a read.
See you all again soon - and until the next time - keep writing !!!
Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Fwd: Writing Prompt - Baddies all around us
I invite you to watch a programme or read a book, taking particular interest in any baddies (or those disguised as such) and then disect how they are constructed.
Don't just think about it in your head, put pen to paper and disect consciously, working on this if necessary over a couple of sessions.
and then make up your own baddie - you have the ingredients now !!
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Fwd: Writing Prompt
Today's prompt is:-
"One can survive on hope... one needs hope to survive - to exist"
write on a positive and upbeat note - if you can't think of anything obvious, just keep writing the phrase until your subconscious mind takes over.
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Writing Prompts
Now the former you might understand and sympathise with the logistics, but you might wonder quite why I have been so traumatised by movement of my location within the office.
I could find nothing when I arrived back in on Monday - the last time I had see such total devastation it was on the news and had had a tornado listing...
So I have spent the week clearing up and am in a quiet place of contentment, so was quite staggared that others aren't also in the place of calm... one person in partcular could only be described as "Riven with Resentment"
So I give this to you today as a prompt - write about being Riven with Resentment...
Right firstly in a first person, then move on to successive paragraphs and changing of points of view... does this subtly alter your writing? different views of the same room?
I would be interested to read your work.
Best wishes one and all.
Monday, 11 February 2008
(this needs a really warmly coloured picture with happy children going to bed…)
Inside cozy, outside snowing
Children from their bathtime glowing
In their bedclothes now they're going
Up the stairs, they're happy, knowing
It's time to have a story.
Kings and castles, storms and lightening
Trolls and ghouls and monsters frightening!
Eyes are wide and faces whitening
'Til kiss or promise makes things right again
Happy endings for me!
(hope it's ok just to post random scribblings and would love to get any feedback good or bad C: - Pete)
This ranked as one of the best excuses I have ever heard for not turning up to a writing group - so suggested it was posted here :-)
Hi Shani…
sorry but I'm not going to be able to get to the meeting this Thursday. Put it this way, as you're all arriving I shall be shooting down Wedmore Vale on my bike (trying to set off the 30mph sign as I go) then, as you're all discussing stuff over your tea and biscuits I shall be on a train – total transformation from frenetic cyclist to totally still observer of people, traffic, windows….
As you get to your break I shall be sat on a seat 6ft in the air travelling approximately 56mph and somewhere about Monmouthshire. This is fun for me and earns me a livelihood – but it means I miss out on CedarWriters and that's not good.
Please convey my apologies to poetical Roy, intriguing Leslie, James the actor, bright bright Elaine, Tracey with an 'e' (or am I wrong there?!), historical Pat, ever opening Jackie and the awesomely artistic Sarah. Oh and anybody else I've not yet met.
Hi to you too Shani (but you already knew that cos this e-mail was originally sent to you…!
(I shall be back… though not in the Terminator sense….!!)
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Where could you go at 3.30 in the Morning?
My stomach tied up in knots, full of excitement for our son during the coming week (he has finally got funding for a Brain Injury Rehab Placement - not without considerable conflict in the last week or so !!) and I am stressed because I have run out of paper to print out the worksheets for tomorrow's meeting of Great Western Writers (nudge here if you have forgotten !!).
We were woken at 3.30 this morning by a young neighbour who needed a kind ear. Instead of being fraught by this, I am reflecting this morning about how proud I am that he knew he could come here and tell us his grief without fear of censure.
I am not reflecting with a big ego - "hey ho look at me, aren't I wonderful".
I am thinking about I am not sure where I could go at 3.30 in the morning and feel welcome.
So that is the prompt today....
Where could you, or your character go at 3.30 in the morning... what did they do? what did they say?
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Friday, 8 February 2008
Fwd: Writing Prompt - "a day which needs re-visiting in the future"
I did though acquit myself quite well, so I am told - even though I ended up with a thumping headache and a feeling of desperation when I considered what kind of people I unfortunately have to mix with on an every day basis.
When I went to journal last night - I found I couldn't because I was so phased with the day.... I didn't quite know where to start.
So all I put was "a day which needs re-visiting in the future"
So that is what I offer you today for a prompt.... Take it as a first line, set the clock for five minutes and then write without taking pen off page or fingers off keyboard....
Post the results to the site, or put somewhere safe, without internal editor taking over, and we will return to this another day.... as the title say
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Wednesday, 6 February 2008
The Year of the Rat - a chance to make decisions...
February 7th is the Chinese New Year, which heralds the Year of the Rat.
New Year Resolutions offer the chance to start afresh to cast all your mistakes behind you. It invites you to clear your desk, buy a new notebook and with confidence that it will be all so different this time – you eagerly scribble away, quickly covering ground and confidence with your words. Then life gets in the way and you feel guilty because you have missed a couple of days, which then become weeks, etc.etc. So New Year starts to be about creating false starts and setting yourself up for failure of self-imposed goals.
The advice from those in the "know", well those who make a lot of money out of selling advice - is to replace these ill-fated resolutions with decisions followed by actions.
Resolutions tend to happen somewhere “off in the future… " - in some indeterminable time, place and plan which it is not possible to really pin down and because it moves off like the horizon line, or end of the rainbow - there are lots of readymade excuses for your internal editor to feed you… there are always good reasons to be found for not knuckling down and getting on with what you need to do to MAKE things happen.
If you want to change – start your journey from where you ARE - now, this minute - workout where you want to be and then – make a plan – set a goal and act on it…. Start where and how you mean to go on.
Saying out loud what you want to happen is the first step to making things happen. Writing it down the second step - there you go - that is two steps, now it is up to you to take the next
Thought for the week: -
You plant bulbs in the autumn because you have faith that they will appear in the spring. So what could you achieve this week in your writing world if you have faith?
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Writing Prompt
"hoised by his own petard"
We use this often in casual conversation and I hadn't really given it any thought - it was just something I say as a throw away remark.
But where did it come from?
Petard is french (meaning large discharge of intestinal gas). It was used to describe an explosive device which would have been used during warfare to blow open gates to castles...
It seemed to be first used by Shakespeare in Hamlet in or around 1609.
So by process of elimination I think it means being blown up by your own bomb....
So today's prompt - either write about something which was destroyed by your own hand or write about pyrrhic victory...
That should keep me quiet for a couple of hours !!
Best wishes
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Sunday Night - Ten to 6 Work in Progress
This evening it was my response to the mess in my living room !! What is the best use of the short amount of time, that I have available to me? and why can't I just sit and think rather than have to DO something...?
These are just first thoughts - totally off the cuff - then I go on to work them into something else.....
Join me - what is YOUR response to MY first thoughts? can you relate? or do you have a point of view? What happens in your house at 10 to 6 on a Sunday Night....
Post it in the comments... as I will the progress on this piece.
My next stage is to transcribe it word for word and see if there is anything in it which chimes with my sense of rhythm or inspiration, something with which would make a short poem or short story out of. If not.. I just discard it.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Inspiration all around
Tonight was an eclectic mix of inspiration and knowledge. A creative dance of the senses.
New members arrived and joined with familiar faces, we came together with a synergy of purpose. Not really sure of my place - conductor and Lord of Misrule?
We have very few rules as a group - but there are one or two very firm ones no negative self-doubting words allowed and the edit fairy is firmly banished the door, having no place in this room of reason.
The initial prompt was "What would a Spinster's Almanack Contain? - that brought forward discussion as we attempted to divine the definition resorting to memory and logic when fact was absent.
"Planting by the Moon" - Lesley declared and we were off. (Sonia was absent awaiting her God in Overalls - more about that later in the Blog).
Coloured pencils were shared and doodles adorned our assortment of pages - and this took us down another writerly route - ranging from dripping ice cream cones - hill ranges - doilies and sunsets. No word was a bad word, every word had a place on each person's page - an expression of interpretation borne out of personal experience.
We discussed Morning Pages Magic of Morning Pages a device recommended by Julia Cameron - The Artists Way Website
Then wrote some more...
The focus of the evening was around revisiting Tracey's installation of the previous week with notebook, worksheet and pen in hand. So much energy and inspiration - tangible in the quietness of the experience.
We have taken away notes on the experience to work at home this evening - bringing back to the group our personal interpretations next week.
On a personal note this week - I learned that the planet Mercury is retrograde !! causing problems with communication - well that could certainly explain a lot of what has happened this week.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Tracey's Inspiration Time
You can find further information about Tracey's work by following the link in the Title
Sonia and Camping
Sonia makes me laugh - in a truly rip-roaring belly laugh sort of way. You can't be in her company for five minutes without the cares of your day disappearing as you journey into her past. It is also extremely contagious !!
It was so good this week, I pulled a muscle with my laughter - and so - in our quest to improve you, the reader's experience, I have investigated ways that we can share Sonia and some other's inspirational tales with you.
I won't bore you with the details - which involved a lot of head-scratching and frustration over IT equipment... but all this was overcome - so hot of the press - may I introduce SONIA....
Please listen to our talented lady (one of many to be featured here over forthcoming weeks...) and her tale of the rat, brownie camping and a ghost at a quaker wedding !! You couldn't make this stuff wonder she is a brilliant storyteller...
We are also pleased to share one she did earlier !! so you can see our good lady in action.
Take Three Words
This often ends up with, quite amazingly, a paragraph or two which would easily transfer to a story or a poem.
This week we undertook the exercise, and Lesley has very kindly read the most repeatable of submissions (the opening writing prompt had been "write about a crash course in pole dancing" - so what really had I expected ?!!)
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
A good piece of advice
New Year Resolutions and starting afresh - creating false starts and setting yourself up for failure of self-imposed goals.
The advice from those in the "know", well those who make a lot of money out of selling advice is to replace them with decisions followed by actions.
Resolutions happen “off in the future… " - in some indeterminable time, place and plan which it is not possible to really pin down and because it moves off like the horizon line, or end of the rainbow - there are lots of readymade excuses for not knuckling down and getting on with what you need to do to MAKE things happen.
If you want to change – start your journey from where you ARE - now, this minute - workout where you want to be and then – make a plan – set a goal and act on it…. Start where and how you mean to go on.
Saying out loud what you want to happen is the first step to making things happen. Writing it down the second step - there you go that is two steps, now it is up to you to take the next ones...
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Building on Success
The group started back again last week, sleeves rolled up and ready for action. We have two new members full of ideas and energy, along with the founder members who want to build on their new found skills and take their writing to the next level - producing something !!
The projects are all very different and have a broad remit - from childhood memories, a book of stories, an illustrated notebook through to a project I have never "quite" got around to. We spent a lot of time on planning and exploring thoughts/ideas and concepts - so from next week until the end of the month, we will build on these initial fragments to form clear ideas of what needs to be done so that each person can achieve their individual (and often personal, very private) ambitions.
We talked about having a weekend away in the Spring - campfire tales appeals, along with collating an anthology of the best works for public enjoyment. We also talked about having a craft afternoon one weekend, to inspire, energise and look at how two disciplines can interact. Everything is possible in as our written words guide us on our paths of discovery...
So onwards and ever forwards...
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Your positive attitude quote for today is:
AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
The Quiet Moment
One of the elements of our meetings is the "Quiet Contemplation" which Tracey Pool (recently licenced as a lay minister) leads for us.
She brings her expertise as a craft women, knowledge of the locality, spirituality along with wisdom to the group and this spot which she has made her own.
It is a combination which challenges us to put aside the thoughts of the day, and change our focus from external chatter to listen to our quiet, often over-ridden internal thoughts.
What we have found that this does not challenge but enhances our individual belief structures, and strengthens our belief and confidence in ourselves. Exploration of spirit and soul, sometimes can be in the simplest of places and often the least expected.
Cedar Writers
Every time I attempt to write something on this blog, I find words fail me. Which might amaze those who know me well, and also myself I must admit. We have just completed our first 10 weeks as a group and I count myself blessed to have met and have the chance to work with such a talented group of people.
When Tracey and I discussed this project a few months back, we thought we might have trouble drumming up interest in the local area. I have lived in Knowle for 25 years and have found it frustrating to say the least that there seems to be an assumption by the City Fathers and the great and the good (whoever they might think they are !!) that families living here are devoid of talent, intelligence or indeed hope. Our secondary schools were removed, shops vandalised, recreational playing fields built on. We were not worthy... but....
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our indigenous cultures - the Irish and old Bristolian connections make us the most convincing of story tellers (which any Judge in Bristol would testify too if asked !!). Combine this with fresh insight and talent of people moving to the area for economic reasons - our houses are still amongst the cheapest and most affordable in the city - and you realise that there are jewels in these there hills.
So armed with all kinds of stories from our family trees, the only challenge seemed to be to stop us talking long enough to actually write anything down. That was when true miracles took place.
I have been a writer and tutor for many years, but never have I come across such talent drawn together. I was reduced to tears on a couple of occasions as some of the work was read out, hesitantly at first, but with increasing confidence and competition as each week's worksheet was completed.
After a particularly bad day at work, I was tired and arrived at the group not really up to the task of leading. A cup of tea was placed in my hands, lots of hugs given to me, and as the night wore on goose bumps hit when I realised I was in the company of true genius - each and everyone. The energy which vibrated from the pen and ink hitting the page was palpable. Time even stood still one evening, I am sure.
The ability to convey raw emotion without pretension was something all these authors had in common, a commodity I have rarely come across (the usual aspiring writer I am usually faced with might lack in talent, but never usually in modesty!) and I found myself totally in awe of this unconscious collective gift. By now each of the group had become authors - each and every one of them and together they produce something greater than the sum of each individual part.
So the reason I think words fail me is because there are not words adequate enough to describe the sense of friendship and camaraderie that we have discovered.
I count myself truly blessed, and honoured to have met my new friends and look forward to the unspoken promises and potential of 2008....