Saturday, 12 April 2008

How to fill a free day

Yippee a free Saturday - a day when the sun is shining, wind is blowing, I don't HAVE to be anywhere and don't have any URGENT work on my desk and if I did - well tough.

So what am I going to do with this minor miracle - I must not waste it.... (fatally flawed first thought there - please spot) - shall I go to the Avon Spinners, Weavers and Dyers Guild meet? Nope - I would love to, but don't really want to talk to people today - just want to get my mind and thoughts all working in the same direction.

So I have sat at my computer thinking about the Great Western Writers meeting on Monday (still don't know whether this month's meeting will go ahead, something about a fire and the Library closing - on my To Do list....) and my friends at Cedar Writers (who I haven't seen for weeks due to work, Easter, and my illness) - and whilst thinking and prevaricating became inspired by the concept of an artist's/writer's journal sketchbook (which I already "sort" of do) whilst browsing through a book - and realised that I am "bombarded by people, chatter and rapidly changing surroundings......" not my words, those of Jenny Newman and Edmund Cusick -

The Writer's Workbook (Hodder Arnold Publication)

Read more about this title...

In the last few weeks I have done nothing but work, worry, meet deadlines, travel hundreds of miles, knit socks and frantically look for inspiration and the girl I used to be. I have been divining information from the ripples that other's stones have created in the pools of my life.

I am emotionally battered and exhausted from other's deadline's and needs - most of which are actually nothing to do with me or what I am trying to achieve. Sales people ringing constantly - rush, rush, rush - decision, decision, decision......

In a pompous voice - I imagine myself welling my chest up and bellowing.... "actually I don't have to either make rushed decisions or even speak to you - you are my customer not I your victim... " - oh I wish I had the guts to say that to them. But I don't - except I do tell them I am too busy and decline to continue the conversation - more often now than is perhaps polite.

So enough of the moan.... I am about making habits, not good ones, prevaricating - organising knitting patterns, rather than writing (always a bad sign).

So I am now off to finish "twiddling" and get on with some constructive stuff... I am going to write over the next few weeks a selection of short stories on and "around" the subject of knitting/spinning/weaving... I have been reading a book called "Died in the Wool" - light fluffy reading at bedtime which has inspired me (as well as sending me to sleep !!)

Died in the Wool: A Knitting Mystery (Knitting Mysteries)
by Mary Kruger

Read more about this title...

My close friend (well probably the only one I have left who is still speaking to me - so I think that qualifies her as close as well as long-suffering and understanding, actually to be precise I can't remember the last time we spoke - more fragmental email communications - "Hi Prairie dog here, sticking her nose out from out of her hole (self-dug) - how are you?" ) has published her latest book on Lulu this week - Mind and Motivation - well worth a read.

See you all again soon - and until the next time - keep writing !!!

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton

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