Saturday, 26 January 2008

Sonia and Camping

Sonia makes me laugh - in a truly rip-roaring belly laugh sort of way. You can't be in her company for five minutes without the cares of your day disappearing as you journey into her past. It is also extremely contagious !!

It was so good this week, I pulled a muscle with my laughter - and so - in our quest to improve you, the reader's experience, I have investigated ways that we can share Sonia and some other's inspirational tales with you.

I won't bore you with the details - which involved a lot of head-scratching and frustration over IT equipment... but all this was overcome - so hot of the press - may I introduce SONIA....

Please listen to our talented lady (one of many to be featured here over forthcoming weeks...) and her tale of the rat, brownie camping and a ghost at a quaker wedding !! You couldn't make this stuff wonder she is a brilliant storyteller...

We are also pleased to share one she did earlier !! so you can see our good lady in action.

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