Sunday, 12 October 2008

Touching Base

Hi everyone.

Things have been very quiet over the summer on the writing front and I am sorry that I haven't been able to really be around as much as I would like to.

As many of you know I have been juggling a lot of commitments over the past three years and all the plates I have been spinning came tumbling down, simply because I became too tired to keep an eye on them. Everything just collided at once - fortunately I didn't break many plates as they hit the floor but there were a few casualties and a few of my writing commitments, along with other things which gave me a lot of pleasure have been neglected.

That said I have decided to resume teaching this autumn, but only for a few groups, until I have clarified which way my life is going to go in the forseeable future. We are very probably going to have to relocate to Devon, but it is difficult to judge at present.

I hope you will understand that I only have so many days in any given week, and some of those have to be spent on me and my family - and actually writing !! You are though all very welcome to become members of Writing in the Margins, or visit the Great Western Writers at the Library - details to be found at

Over the forthcoming months I will also be looking for a regular comfy "drop-in" spot somewhere central in Bristol, where any local writers/students can meet informally - say once a month - and I will be on hand for support as you strive towards your writing goals. I tried this last year, but it all became too difficult, so I will make renewed efforts and hope that some of you will feel that you can make it.

Anyone who is interested in starting a Novel - November is the time to join NaNoWriMo - where you basically get into the habit of writing every day. I can commend this to you as a brilliant way of getting into zone of writing regularly.

Best wishes and please feel free to contact me by email with any of your writing queries, comments or concerns and if I can assist, I will be pleased to do so.


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