Sunday, 3 February 2008

Sunday Night - Ten to 6 Work in Progress

One of the ways that I start a piece of writing or a poem is to ad lib or write a short first-thought monologue about something, anything, which is on my mind.

This evening it was my response to the mess in my living room !! What is the best use of the short amount of time, that I have available to me? and why can't I just sit and think rather than have to DO something...?

These are just first thoughts - totally off the cuff - then I go on to work them into something else.....

Join me - what is YOUR response to MY first thoughts? can you relate? or do you have a point of view? What happens in your house at 10 to 6 on a Sunday Night....

Post it in the comments... as I will the progress on this piece.

My next stage is to transcribe it word for word and see if there is anything in it which chimes with my sense of rhythm or inspiration, something with which would make a short poem or short story out of. If not.. I just discard it.

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