Sunday, 20 January 2008

Building on Success


The group started back again last week, sleeves rolled up and ready for action.  We have two new members full of ideas and energy, along with the founder members who want to build on their new found skills and take their writing to the next level - producing something !!

The projects are all very different and have a broad remit - from childhood memories, a book of stories, an illustrated notebook through to a project I have never "quite" got around to.  We spent a lot of time on planning and exploring thoughts/ideas and concepts - so from next week until the end of the month, we will build on these initial fragments to form clear ideas of what needs to be done so that each person can achieve their individual (and often personal, very private) ambitions. 

We talked about having a weekend away in the Spring - campfire tales appeals, along with collating an anthology of the best works for public enjoyment.  We also talked about having a craft afternoon one weekend, to inspire, energise and look at how two disciplines can interact.  Everything is possible in as our written words guide us on our paths of discovery...

So onwards and ever forwards...

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