Now the former you might understand and sympathise with the logistics, but you might wonder quite why I have been so traumatised by movement of my location within the office.
I could find nothing when I arrived back in on Monday - the last time I had see such total devastation it was on the news and had had a tornado listing...
So I have spent the week clearing up and am in a quiet place of contentment, so was quite staggared that others aren't also in the place of calm... one person in partcular could only be described as "Riven with Resentment"
So I give this to you today as a prompt - write about being Riven with Resentment...
Right firstly in a first person, then move on to successive paragraphs and changing of points of view... does this subtly alter your writing? different views of the same room?
I would be interested to read your work.
Best wishes one and all.