Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Today's Prompt

Write a paragraph using these three words in it somewhere...


have a good one....


AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Today's Prompt

Today's prompt - do you have a personal superstition about something? - anything?  which is important to you?  - write about it.....

I am not sure what mine are, so I am going to consciously watch myself over the next few days...

ps did you spot the deliberate mistake yesterday?  - if so, care to share with us all why you think I did it? 

AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Touching Base and Today's Prompt

Hi - sorry about the recent radio silence again - I am very involved in some big projects at work, my course, and various other things in my life with very heavy deadlines, so am having to use friendship time to think. 

I know this is no excuse for taking time out to write and keep in touch with friends, but on a practical note, I don't often get home until very late at night now and can't face the computer - the only strength I have is to pick up a bottle of wine....sorry.

Today's prompt is...

In the space between knowledge and the unknown, there is a place called supervision. - write about it....

Best wishes

AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.